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You’ve launched your YouTube channel, perhaps implemented some advertising, and developed a comprehensive YouTube marketing plan, but there’s one small issue. Your number of subscribers is stagnating. To justify the value of YouTube to the C-suite, you need to 10x the views you’re getting. Your mom, relatives, coworkers, and friends may have subscribed, but they aren’t actively watching your videos.

Converting YouTube viewers into subscribers is difficult. Let’s just begin with that. In order to get viewers to subscribe, you need to build a fan base and consistently provide them with information that is both interesting and valuable to them.

People who are already aware of your brand (like viewers of National Geographic or CNN) will likely make up a modest percentage of your YouTube subscribers. However, you can’t rely on this if you want to increase your growth by a factor of 10.

Don’t be anxious, pal. Here are 10 simple ways to boost your YouTube channel’s subscriber count and user interaction:

The value of YouTube subscribers is explained

More YouTube subscribers mean more regular viewers, especially if those viewers have notifications enabled. Subscribers are more than just casual viewers; they’ve seen several of your videos and decided to show their appreciation by paying you a monetary commitment by clicking the “Subscribe” button.

Keeping track of which videos attract the most subscribers over time can give you valuable information about what kinds of material to create more of, and what kinds to avoid.

Read Also: Top 5 Effective Strategies To Get More Comments On Instagram

Best 5 Tips to Grow your Subscriber count on YouTube

1. Maintain a Regular Posting Schedule

If you want to keep your subscribers and viewers interested, commit to a regular posting schedule. A filming and editing schedule can be maintained with this method as well.
In the beginning, it’s beneficial to post frequently.

The recommended frequency is twice weekly. Be ready with a month’s or two’s worth of videos to frontload before you debut your channel, and then focus on content creation for the following months. If you want to include video sharing as part of your regular social schedule, it helps to have a lot of content prepared ahead of time.

Consistency is important to your followers, but you don’t want them to feel bored if you update too frequently. So maybe you should make some shows that are all about one thing. A fashion label, for instance, may create an entire series devoted to festive clothes from other cultures, as well as another series dedicated to the art of pattern mixing.

2. Make a Channel Teaser

A channel trailer serves to introduce your channel’s content to new viewers. Your brand’s ideals and the nature of your product should be reflected in the trailer you create. Whether you’re selling software, clothing, or art materials.

An accompanying description is provided for trailers (with text pulled directly from the video’s description). Make use of that room to give them an idea of what to expect from not only the video but also your channel as a whole.

People that visit your channel will immediately be exposed to the trailer, so it’s important to put a lot of thought into the initial 3-10 seconds (including the music, sound, dialogue, and editing) of the video.

Don’t be hesitant to revise your channel trailer as the tempo or focus of your channel shifts and develops.

3. Create Professional-Level Videos for YouTube

You don’t have to create an Oscar-worthy video. The end. Of course, they must act in a professional manner. Focus on the acoustics and ambience. These two factors are the primary differentiators between amateur and professional YouTube content makers.

The other side, of course, is the standard of the camera. There’s no need to go into debt over a video camera right now, but you should upgrade from using your phone’s camera or a webcam.

Also, if a person seems uneasy being filmed or recorded, they shouldn’t be forced to do so. No one is interested in seeing someone who wiggles and speaks haltingly unless they find it endearing. Make sure the primary character in your movies feels comfortable and at ease in front of the camera.

4. Advertise Your Channel on YouTube

The fastest strategy to get new subscribers is to promote your service through other channels where you already have a following. Emails, blog posts, and other social media platforms are all great places to promote your videos.

Finding micro-communities that are related to your sector and sharing videos where applicable may also be accomplished with the use of consumer insights tools like Meltwater (or checking whatever consumer insights products and companies are out there). Forums, Reddit discussions, and Facebook groups are excellent starting points.

Promoting future films via social media is another option to consider. Run a Twitter poll asking viewers to identify the subject of your next video, host an Instagram Live where you reveal the making of the video and answer questions, or tease a page of the script on your Facebook page.

5. Collaborate With Swayers

Collaborating with popular people can help you reach new audiences and gain more subscribers. Finding partners where you have a greater possibility of obtaining interested and engaged followers is easier if you do smart audience research before picking who to work with.

Remember that YouTube influencers care most about their existing subscribers when working with them. Brands that have long-lasting and mutually productive partnerships with influencers are those who have faith in the influencer’s creative abilities by letting them make a sponsored video in their own voice.

You will have input because most brands will want to view the finished product before they upload the film, but you shouldn’t try to control the entire creative process.

The result would be content that is inconsistent with the creator’s usual tone and rhythm, leading to dissatisfied readers who may decide to stop following the author altogether. Your brand will suffer as a result, as fewer subscribers will translate to less sales.

Furthermore, you will be less inclined to engage in future cross-promotion with that influencer, forgoing the possibility of reaching their following.


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